Skype Integration With Office 365: What You Need to Know
Discover the differences between Skype for consumers and Skype for business, including the numerous useful features of Skype business integration with Office 365. These days, many consumers and business owners alike utilize Skype as a platform for communicating across the globe. However, if you’re a business owner who hasn’t yet explore the possibility of switching…
Wisdom Wednesday: Sifting Through Spam: Understanding The Dangers Of Junk Mail
Every day, businesses and individuals send over 205 billion emails all over the world. Though many of these messages contain valuable information, a large portion of them are spam. Receiving or sending spam exposes your business to a variety of risks, including: Ruined Reputations Many firms are unaware that their email accounts have been compromised,…
Why Phone Security is Important for Parents of Young Children
Your phone or tablet might not be as secure as you think from your young children’s attempts to make unauthorized purchases. Stories of young children racking up huge bills by going on their parent’s phone or tablet and spending real money on in-game items and currency make headlines all the time. Because of this, many…