Promise Yourself You Won’t Be Made a Fool Of on April 1!
Take the Pledge to Backup Your Data Before It’s Too Late! Sit back and think of all the important data you access every day. Vital records, important correspondence, financial data, private and personal identification… not to mention things like the photos of your family you keep on your phone. Can you ensure you’ll never have…
Have You Dealt with a Malfunctioning MacBook Pro? Apple Finally Admits to Hardware Issue
Whether it’s for business or personal use – there’s not much more frustrating than a malfunctioning computer. What’s worse, though, is when you have to shell out your own money to correct what’s clearly an existing issue with hardware. Now, after successfully battling a class-action lawsuit over the matter last year, Apple has finally admitted…
Facebook is Tracking Your Every Move! How You Can Put a Stop To It
Is Facebook Following You Around The Internet? You may have noticed that you’re being followed – you look at a product once online and then that same product or similar ones pop up in ads on every other site you visit. That’s not a coincidence. You’re being tracked, and most of the times many people…
5 Tips and Tricks to Take Advantage of When Using Microsoft Access
We’ve said it before – if your technology isn’t helping you to streamline work, it’s not doing its job. Tools and solutions provided by your IT company should not only be improving the quality of your output, but also making your day-to-day workload a bit easier. When you’re using Microsoft Access to complete tasks, there…
URGENT VIRUS WARNING: New Windows Virus Targeting Your Banking and Other Sensitive Data!
There’s breaking news about a dangerous new virus that your business absolutely needs to take notice of. Security researchers at Doctor Web found a bug that can execute a “wide range of destructive actions” on any device it manages to infect. Known as BackDoor.Yebot the malware can basically turn your computer into a zombie server…