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Cybercriminals Breached 97% of Monitored Networks Over the Course of 6 Months – Beware: Emerging Threats Might Be Targeting YOUR Network!

Hacking Business NetworksCybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated than ever before! They’re so experienced at what they do – they may have attacked your network already. According to a recent cyber security report, 1,565 out of 1,614 monitored networks were attacked throughout a six-month period between October 2013 and March 2014.

When your network is attacked, your business faces a wide-variety of consequences, from confidential data disclosure to computer performance issues to legal issues resulting from a violation of privacy laws – there’s no room to take risks. If you’re concerned about the security of your network, there’s a few simple ways to detect an attack:

  • Look for mysterious file downloads or software installations.
  • Monitor traffic to detect activity outside of business hours.
  • Take notice when files are deleted without authorization.
  • Search for new user accounts.

And if you suspect an attack, it’s critical to notify our team of IT security experts immediately. We’ll visit your office to determine whether your network has been attacked or not. If an attack has occurred, we’ll resolve the issue and implement reliable network security solutions to prevent various forms of malware, spam, and viruses from attacking your network.

In the meantime, here’s a few tips to help you mitigate the risks of cybercrime:

  • Install and run anti-virus software on a regular basis.
  • Make sure your firewall is configured properly.
  • Implement and enforce password policies.
  • Change default passwords on hardware and software.
  • Educate your staff members on security best practices.

For more tips to mitigate the risks of cybercrime, or to schedule a comprehensive network assessment, give us a call at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. Our team of IT security experts are here to help you protect your network. 


Steve West

Ntegra IT is devoted to providing reliable Computer Support to businesses that want to improve productivity and profitability. We deliver custom designed Network Services that better map to your business, so you can stop worrying about your technology and get back to achieving your business goals.