
Businessman Using PDA in Conference Room

Don’t Let Email Rule Your Life— 3 Simple Steps.

email ruling your lifeSometimes we let the tools we use, rule us.  This is the case with email. Email has taken on a life of its own. Do you spend endless hours trying to weed through, and prioritize your emails?  Do you get up in the morning and find that you have over 100 emails in your Inbox?  You’re not alone.  When did we lose control?  How did this happen?

Email is a necessary evil.  We need it to communicate to clients, prospects, vendors, co-workers and friends.  But who’s in charge? — You or your inbox?

Don’t take it anymore! It’s time to take control! 

The following are 3 simple steps to take to ensure you rule your email, not the other way around:

  1. Practice “D-A-P:” If you can’t answer it right away—Delete it, Archive it, or Put it in a folder.
  2. Practice the 3-C’s: Ensure your messages are Concise, Clear and Communicate only what’s needed.
  3. Use Filters: Use filters to block all spam messages. Take advantage of filtering systems that are built into mail applications like Gmail, Apple Mail and Hotmail. This way you can eventually train your email providers to know what’s important to you.

For more information about how to “rule” when it comes to email, contact {company} at {phone}, or email us at: {email}   (Don’t worry, we won’t filter you out!)


Steve West

Ntegra IT is devoted to providing reliable Computer Support to businesses that want to improve productivity and profitability. We deliver custom designed Network Services that better map to your business, so you can stop worrying about your technology and get back to achieving your business goals.