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Important Notice: Microsoft to Eliminate 18,000 Jobs! What Does This Mean for Your Business?

Microsoft Layoffs 18,000Each year, around this time, Microsoft tends to announce some sort of restructuring and changes to the way they do business. Last week, many of our peers attended the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Washington, DC. Microsoft and their partners leverage this event to showcase the technology solutions that they’re developing and bringing to businesses like yours!

At the moment, Microsoft employs over 130,000 people globally, however, they’ve announced that 18,000 people will be laid off, including 12,500 associated with the Nokia Devices and Services team acquired earlier in 2014. Ultimately, this is a small sliver of their total workforce. And although it’s unfortunate, the layoff may allow for new growth to occur.

What Does This Mean for Your {city} Business? We’ll Find Out in the Next Year or So!

As the layoffs will occur in the next year, we’ll find out soon enough what this means for your business. But as of today, Microsoft is shifting their core focus from devices and services. In fact, Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, has given employees a new mission to focus on – and it’s all about productivity and platforms.

While moving away from their original mission of a “PC on every desk,” Microsoft appears to be switching gears and making digital work and life experiences it’s main focus. And this can only mean good things for all businesses around the world!

According to Satya Nadella, the layoffs are occurring to help the company realign itself, allowing it to pursue its goal of innovating in terms of mobile computing and the cloud. But we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Looking to leverage Microsoft technologies in your {city} business? Give us a call at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. As your {city} Microsoft Partner, we’re here to help you make sense of the cloud, mobile computing, and all of your business technologies.


Steve West

Ntegra IT is devoted to providing reliable Computer Support to businesses that want to improve productivity and profitability. We deliver custom designed Network Services that better map to your business, so you can stop worrying about your technology and get back to achieving your business goals.