

Who Do You Trust More? Your IT Provider, or Your Dentist?

Do you hate your current IT service provider?

Do feel like it would be a headache to change providers?

Would you rather get a root canal than change IT providers?

painfull IT

Well you’re not alone. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of searching for a new IT company, then you’d probably compare the experience to your last visit to the dentist.

You’re lying in that cold plastic chair, feeling vulnerable and slightly embarrassed. Mouth sprawled open – you get poked, scraped and prodded. As he searches your most private corners you hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

And then at the end of it all, your worst nightmare comes true. You’ve been sentenced to the IT equivalent of a root canal. It seems like he was only in there for a couple of minutes but you’ve been hit with a bill that suggests he was there for a couple of weeks.

Here at {company} we want your experience to be more comparable to a vacation, from all of your problems.

Here’s what we’ll do for you starting today:

  1. We will always talk to you in plain English. No computer babble.
  2. We will objectively analyze your needs “from scratch.” We’ll tell you what our services will and will not do for you.
  3. NO long-term contracts
  4. NO high pressure sales tactics
  5. NO “onboarding” charges, or hidden charges

So, if you’re tired of being “poked & prodded” by IT companies, it’s time to make a change and contact {company}.


Why suffer with unproductive IT personnel, high-pressure sales tactics, anger, frustration? Contact {company} today for a FREE, NO-OBLIGATION 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION.

{phone} or {email}   


Steve West

Ntegra IT is devoted to providing reliable Computer Support to businesses that want to improve productivity and profitability. We deliver custom designed Network Services that better map to your business, so you can stop worrying about your technology and get back to achieving your business goals.